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Clifford Harper y su manera de manifestarse en una superficie


Clifford Harper en una nota del sitio web Radical Cross Stitch nos muestra otra variante para hacer street art. Se trata de tejer sobre una reja su nombre o un dibujo igual como lo haría un grafitero con un spray sobre una superficie.

Bastante original el tema por lo que les dejo un poco de sus pensamientos (en inglés):

"I've been working on stitching QR Codes for some time now. I've been doing them on regular Aida fabric (14 count mostly) and they've been working really well. So I decided to do it large scale. This project was stitched with black and white finger knitted wool and stitched on animal fencing (which is tough to work with but has a lovely strong and square grid).

So I've been working QR Codes in cross stitch as a way of exploring non-corporate alternatives to this potentially very interesting and useful communication medium.

Via: Wooster.