
These last months 3TTman left sprays and paint aside to promote cement. You could tell us why? What gave me the idea first was to see a cement wall on which children had drawn their names, their declarations of love … when it was still fresh. It felt very raw and natural at the same time. Back in these days I was doing some big reforms in the studio and I was getting familiar with these workers technics, so I decided to apply it in the streets.
So your approach also refers to unconscious impulses of people who express themselves in the street?Correct! I’m fascinated by these interventions in the street because they often reveal a more spontaneous expression and protest than when someone is consciously working in public space. Besides, I did the first text “Mañana día de huella General” after seeing the streets bombed of tags to promote a general strike. One had the impression that all the grandpas of the district went down to write their will on the walls….