
Resumen en inglés de la segunda exposición de Azambuja en Portugal:

“In his second exhibition in Portugal Marlon de Azambuja presents us three different but interrelated bodys of work. Around 200
photographs and drawings occupy the walls forming a long route through
Lisbon, a route that the artist has already made in Madrid (city where
he lives now) and in São Paulo. The photographs are taken on the
streets, more specifically of the ground of Lisbon, formerly the
calçada (characteristic paving of Lisbon) or the regular asphalt. The
objects on the images are sewage covers, gutter, access covers to
electrical and phone wire.
Those objects are evidence of our
civilization and traces of the sub-structure of our daily life. Marlon
de Azambuja connects the caps, grids, plates through a black line which
projects them into a universe of conscious forms: trapezoids,
rectangles and squares more geometrical shapes.
The title
“Metaesquemas” inevitably links to the work of Hélio Oiticica and the
“Movimento Neoconcreto Brasileiro” (Brazilian neoconcrete movement). It
is a tribute not so devoid of sense of humor, is it? In his older
series like for instance Potencial Escultorico the artist had already
explored the relationship between everyday life and Art. He brings
already present smouldering elements to the surface, proving that the
artist still has “carte blanche” to observe what surrounds him in
another way, a different look. The video Pangea Choco-emphasizes the
irony showing the genesis of our planet with its continents making an
inflection until their disappearance and disintegration … in a glass
of milk.”

Más acá.